Cost of Care in North Carolina
Knowing how much long term care services would cost in the future is necessary in preparing your retirement plan. View the average cost of care of services in your area below. It’s important to understand that these costs are projected to continue to increase annually.
Select your city/region:
North Carolina |
Median |
Annual |
Homemaker Services (Hourly) | $17 | $38,896 |
Home Health Aide Services (Hourly) | $18 | $40,040 |
Adult Day Health Care (Daily) | $51 | $13,260 |
Assisted Living Facility (Monthly) | $2,940 | $35,280 |
Nursing Home, Semi-Private (Daily) | $203 | $73,913 |
Nursing Home, Private Room (Daily) | $225 | $82,125 |
Source: Genworth 2014 Cost of Care Survey
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Acsia Partners provides expert advice and assistance through its network of licensed long term care planning specialists all over the country. Feel free to request for more information on long term care in your area.